Life Insurance Coverage

I’m often asked, “Lisa, when is it the best time to get life insurance?”
While there is no specific age that the light should switch on to get life insurance—and it is always a good idea to have it—I tell my clients to pay particular attention to the following questions:
Have you experienced a major, life changing event? Like ...
Are you having a baby? Have you recently had a baby?
Have you recently gotten married?
Have you recently purchased a home?
If you can answer yes to any of these questions, it is important you look into life insurance to protect yourself and your family. It can also be an amazing investment vehicle!
If you can answer yes to any of these questions, it is important you look into life insurance to protect yourself and your family. It can also be an amazing investment vehicle!
We offer multiple carriers in the 3 Types of Life Insurance:
Term—provides coverage at a fixed rate of payments for a limited period of time
Whole—offers level premiums and life insurance protection for as long as you live
Universal—a type of permanent life insurance based on a cash value
Which are tax deferred? Which offer investment value? Which is right for you?
Positive Insurance Solutions can help.
Heard of these terms, but not sure what they mean? Contact us today—we’re here and happy to help.
Lisa Eppolito - Licensed Independent Health Insurance Broker
(610) 716-1378 or (800) 957-0091
“The foundation of life insurance is the recognition of the value of a human life and the
possibility of indemnification for the loss of that value.” — F.C. Oviatt