Disability Insurance Coverage

Disability policies pay benefits in the event you become incapable of working. I highly recommend that my self-employed clients own some type of disability insurance. And if you have an employer, l urge you to learn whether or not you have disability insurance ... including what and when that policy pays out.


Think about your expenses: Mortgage/rent, car payments, insurance payments, utilities, childcare costs, food, etc.

How long would you be able to support your monthly bills without a paycheck?

The truth is, many people have unrealistic expectations of how much money they will need to cover their expenses each month in the event they are unable to work. That is completely normal, and I offer you help in determining the right fit.

Terms we will cover to pick what is right for you: elimination period, benefit period, monthly indemnity, etc.

Heard of these terms, but not sure what they mean? Contact us today—we’re here and happy to help.

Lisa Korab - Licensed Independent Health Insurance Broker

(610) 716-1378 or (800) 957-0091

Did you know that you can purchase a disability plan that offers a Return of Premium? That means that if you never use your disability policy, the insurance company returns all of the premiums you paid into it!

“Three in 10 workers entering the work force today will become disabled before retiring.” – Social Security Administration, Fact Sheet January 31, 2007